badfeeling wrote in ontd_ai Jul 13, 2009 19:50
i like the top, sparkle, adam lambert is a gay, i love disco sticks, !adam lambert, !appreciation post, -5000 comments, -10000 comments holy shit, never have i ~touched myself like that, feeding my right-click-save-as addiction, omfg... badfeeling just shit herself!, -6000 comments, air sign homos, -4000 comments, i have no problem with your gay!, -8000 comments, -1000 comments, -3000 comments, -2000 comments, fuck you made me cry, adam doesn't need anyone's permission, fuck me lambert, -7000 comments, nuttin w/o you, fierce, -500 comments, more leg than a bucket of chicken, you'll never be adam, fabulous, -9000 comments, adamgasm